Package de.hsh.graja

Class Graja


public class Graja extends Object

Graja - Grader for java programs.

Graja website:

Example assignment

We illustrate an example assignment. The assignment text is as follows.

Write a class Fraction in the anonymous package with the following methods

  • Constructor with numerator and denominator as parameters
  • Getters getNumerator and getDenominator
  • A method getValue returning the value as double value.

Your class should reject illegal parameter values.

For this assigment we define several grading aspects that are grouped into categories. Every aspect gets graded by a (source-)module

Category Aspect Source Result Achieved Max.
Syntactical correctness Should successfully compile Compile   5.00 5.00
  5.00 5.00
Functional correctness Should have constructor and simple getters JUnit   5.00 5.00
Should return value as double JUnit   5.00 5.00
  10.00 10.00
Maintainability Attributes in class Fraction should be private JUnit   5.00 5.00
Variable naming conventions PMD   2.00 2.00
Method naming conventions PMD   2.00 2.00
Class naming conventions PMD   2.00 2.00
Fields (attributes) should be at the start of the class PMD   2.00 2.00
Comments needed in front of methods and classes PMD   2.00 2.00
Readability Non-automated activity delayed 0.00 5.00
  15.00 20.00
Security Non-private attributes in class Fraction are a security hole JUnit   10.00 10.00
  10.00 10.00
Reliability Should reject illegal denominator JUnit wrong 0.00 5.00
  0.00 5.00
Total scores 40.00 50.00

This assignment can be found in the SampleGrajaAssignments project as the assignment dom.fraction . It serves the purpose of demonstrating usage of many categories crossing several modules.


A request consists of assignments. An Assignment is graded in certain categories (functional correctness, maintainability, ...). Each category is subdivided into one or more grading aspects. Graja grades a category by calling one or several modules. Modules in Graja each consist of a runner and an evaluator. Currently there are four modules in Graja: Compile, JUnit, PMD and Human grading.

In the Graja core, modules are somewhat orthogonal to grading aspects. In the above example assignment the modules are represented as the "Source" column. As we can see, in this example the JUnit module contributes to four categories and many aspects. The JUnit module is run only once via a JunitModuleRunner. A module runner gets module specific configuration data as a ModuleConfiguration object. The module configuration does not contain scores or aspect titles. It only has technical configuration data like grader class names and test method names. A module runner produces a ModuleRunnerResult. All modules at least produce some comments as part of the module runner result. Specific information can be contained in a result depending on the module. E. g. JUnit produces information about the success or failure of every single test method that has been run by the JUnit module. The module runner result in the next step serves as input to the ModuleEvaluator. A module evaluator takes the module runner result and creates a single result object for every grading aspect. All aspect results are collected in an AssignmentResult object. The central processing unit is the class Core

A UML model is shown in the following pictures:

Request domain model

An assignment is part of a Request.

ModuleRunner and ModuleEvaluator

ModuleRunner and ModuleEvaluator are parts of a Module. A ModuleRunner creates a ModuleRunnerResult, which in turn is input for a ModuleEvaluator. In the following image we illustrate the subclasses for the JUnit module:

Result domain model

An assignment result is part of a Result object.

  • Constructor Details

    • Graja

      public Graja()
      This is currently a dummy class just to hold developer documentation.