Interface Applicable

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
Applicability, ApplicabilityDependencyCommentLeaf, ApplicabilityDependencyGroup, ApplicabilityDependencyIntersection, ApplicabilityDependencySimpleLeaf, ApplicabilityDependencyUnion

public interface Applicable extends Serializable
An applicable object is an artifact that can be filtered by applicability. The resulting applicability after filtering can be union or intersection of several applicabilities.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Calculate the applicability of a comment or for referenced comments (so called dependencies).
  • Method Details

    • calcApplicability

      Applicability calcApplicability(ApplicabilityFilter filter)
      Calculate the applicability of a comment or for referenced comments (so called dependencies). The calculated applicability might result from a union or intersection of grouped dependencies. The calculation leaves out artifacts that do not pass the given filter. If no applicability can be calculated, because all relevant artifacts are filtered out, Applicability.MINIMUM_APPLICABILITY is returned.
      filter - filter
      the calculated applicability