Class GradingSchemeCommentHelper

  • public class GradingSchemeCommentHelper
    extends Object

    This class creates a grid of the following form

            | Title                     |               Result      |
            | | Description                                       | |
            | +---------------------------------------------------+ |
            | | Feedback (currently not used)                     | |
            | +---------------------------------------------------+ |
            | | Calculation rule                                  | |
     leftbar| +-------------------------+-------------------------+ |rightbar
       +    | | Title Subaspect         |        Result Subaspect | |    +
       +----+ +-+-----------------------+-----------------------+-+ +----+
            | | |  Description, Feedback, Calculation rule      | | |
            | | |  further subaspects                           | | |
            | | |                                               | | |
            | +-+-----------------------+-----------------------+-+ |
            | | Title Subaspect         |        Result Subaspect | |
            | +-+-----------------------+-----------------------+-+ |
            | | |  ...                                          | | |
            | | |                                               | | |
            | | |                                               | | |

    Every title/result row (or subtitle/subresult) defines a node of the grading scheme tree. A node is represented by the class GradingSchemeCommentHelper.GshNode.

    In the result or subresult cells icons can be rendered that allow folding and expanding the tree interactively.