Class CliConfig


public class CliConfig extends Object
Contains various strings that will be used by the CLI library in outputs.
  • header: Headline above various help pages. E. g. "Calculator version 1.7"
  • programName: The short name of the program. E. g. "Calculator"
  • startModulepathOptionTemplate: The --module-path command line option to start your program as a template without any options, e. g. "<path-to-calculator.jar>"
  • startModulepathOptionExample: The --module-path command line option to start your program as an example without any options, e. g. "/usr/local/calculator.jar". Usually you put actual path of the running program into this property.
  • startAddModulesOption: The --add-modules command line option, e. g. com.calc.
  • startModuleOption: The --module command line option, e. g. com.calc.
  • systemPropertyLoggingLevel: the name of the system property that controls the Logging.LoggingLevel. E. g. "org.calculator.loglevel". This value is used to inform the user in case of errors, how to increase the displayed information by specifiying this system property with value DEBUG.
  • Constructor Details

    • CliConfig

      public CliConfig(String programName, String header, String startModulepathOptionTemplate, String startModulepathOptionExample, String startAddModulesOption, String startModuleOption, String systemPropertyLoggingLevel)
  • Method Details

    • getProgramName

      public String getProgramName()
    • setProgramName

      public void setProgramName(String programName)
    • getHeader

      public String getHeader()
    • setHeader

      public void setHeader(String header)
    • getStartModulepathOptionTemplate

      public String getStartModulepathOptionTemplate()
    • setStartModulepathOptionTemplate

      public void setStartModulepathOptionTemplate(String startModulepathOptionTemplate)
    • getStartModulepathOptionExample

      public String getStartModulepathOptionExample()
    • setStartModulepathOptionExample

      public void setStartModulepathOptionExample(String startModulepathOptionExample)
    • getAllModuleOptionsTemplate

      public String getAllModuleOptionsTemplate(String additionalModulePath, String additionalAddModules)
    • getAllModuleOptionsExample

      public String getAllModuleOptionsExample(String additionalModulePath, String additionalAddModules)
    • getSystemPropertyLoggingLevel

      public String getSystemPropertyLoggingLevel()
    • setSystemPropertyLoggingLevel

      public void setSystemPropertyLoggingLevel(String systemPropertyLoggingLevel)
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object