Class RangeDifference


public class RangeDifference extends Object
Description of a change between two or three ranges of comparable entities.

RangeDifference objects are the elements of a compare result returned from the RangeDifferencer find* methods. Clients use these objects as they are returned from the differencer. This class is not intended to be instantiated or subclassed outside of the Compare framework.

Note: A range in the RangeDifference object is given as a start index and length in terms of comparable entities. However, these entity indices and counts are not necessarily character positions. For example, if an entity represents a line in a document, the start index would be a line number and the count would be in lines.

See Also:
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final int
    Three-way change constant indicating the same change in both right and left, that is only the ancestor is different.
    static final int
    Two-way change constant indicating two-way change (same as RIGHT)
    static final int
    Three-way change constant indicating a change in both right and left.
    static final int
    Constant indicating an unknown change kind.
    static final int
    Three-way change constant indicating a change in left.
    static final int
    Two-way change constant indicating no change.
    static final int
    Three-way change constant indicating a change in right.
  • Constructor Summary

    RangeDifference(int kind, int rightStart, int rightLength, int leftStart, int leftLength)
    Creates a new RangeDifference with the given change kind and left and right ranges.
    RangeDifference(int kind, int rightStart, int rightLength, int leftStart, int leftLength, int ancestorStart, int ancestorLength)
    Creates a new RangeDifference with the given change kind and left, right, and ancestor ranges.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns the end index of the entity range on the ancestor side.
    Returns the number of entities on the ancestor side.
    Returns the start index of the entity range on the ancestor side.
    Returns the kind of difference.
    Returns the end index of the entity range on the left side.
    Returns the number of entities on the left side.
    Returns the start index of the entity range on the left side.
    Returns the maximum number of entities in the left, right, and ancestor sides of this range.
    Returns the end index of the entity range on the right side.
    Returns the number of entities on the right side.
    Returns the start index of the entity range on the right side.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details


      public static final int NOCHANGE
      Two-way change constant indicating no change.
      See Also:
    • CHANGE

      public static final int CHANGE
      Two-way change constant indicating two-way change (same as RIGHT)
      See Also:

      public static final int CONFLICT
      Three-way change constant indicating a change in both right and left.
      See Also:
    • LEFT

      public static final int LEFT
      Three-way change constant indicating a change in left.
      See Also:

      public static final int ANCESTOR
      Three-way change constant indicating the same change in both right and left, that is only the ancestor is different.
      See Also:
    • ERROR

      public static final int ERROR
      Constant indicating an unknown change kind.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • RangeDifference

      public RangeDifference(int kind, int rightStart, int rightLength, int leftStart, int leftLength)
      Creates a new RangeDifference with the given change kind and left and right ranges.
      kind - the kind of change
      rightStart - start index of entity on right side
      rightLength - number of entities on right side
      leftStart - start index of entity on left side
      leftLength - number of entities on left side
    • RangeDifference

      public RangeDifference(int kind, int rightStart, int rightLength, int leftStart, int leftLength, int ancestorStart, int ancestorLength)
      Creates a new RangeDifference with the given change kind and left, right, and ancestor ranges.
      kind - the kind of change
      rightStart - start index of entity on right side
      rightLength - number of entities on right side
      leftStart - start index of entity on left side
      leftLength - number of entities on left side
      ancestorStart - start index of entity on ancestor side
      ancestorLength - number of entities on ancestor side
  • Method Details

    • kind

      public int kind()
      Returns the kind of difference.
      the kind of difference, one of NOCHANGE, CHANGE, LEFT, RIGHT, ANCESTOR, CONFLICT, ERROR
    • ancestorStart

      public int ancestorStart()
      Returns the start index of the entity range on the ancestor side.
      the start index of the entity range on the ancestor side
    • ancestorLength

      public int ancestorLength()
      Returns the number of entities on the ancestor side.
      the number of entities on the ancestor side
    • ancestorEnd

      public int ancestorEnd()
      Returns the end index of the entity range on the ancestor side.
      the end index of the entity range on the ancestor side
    • rightStart

      public int rightStart()
      Returns the start index of the entity range on the right side.
      the start index of the entity range on the right side
    • rightLength

      public int rightLength()
      Returns the number of entities on the right side.
      the number of entities on the right side
    • rightEnd

      public int rightEnd()
      Returns the end index of the entity range on the right side.
      the end index of the entity range on the right side
    • leftStart

      public int leftStart()
      Returns the start index of the entity range on the left side.
      the start index of the entity range on the left side
    • leftLength

      public int leftLength()
      Returns the number of entities on the left side.
      the number of entities on the left side
    • leftEnd

      public int leftEnd()
      Returns the end index of the entity range on the left side.
      the end index of the entity range on the left side
    • maxLength

      public int maxLength()
      Returns the maximum number of entities in the left, right, and ancestor sides of this range.
      the maximum number of entities in the left, right, and ancestor sides of this range
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object obj)
      equals in class Object
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object