Class RtTaskReq


public final class RtTaskReq extends Object
A request that is used to trigger a regression test. Old name: RegressionTestingRequest
  • Field Details

    • rootWorkspace

      public Path rootWorkspace
    • prevRecordedBehavior

      public Path prevRecordedBehavior
    • tickets

      public final Map<String,Ticket> tickets
    • recordingExists

      public final Set<String> recordingExists
    • sampleSolutionsIncluded

      public final Set<String> sampleSolutionsIncluded
      Bei variablen Aufgaben kann dieses Set von readOnlySampleSolutions abweichen. Sonst nicht.
  • Method Details

    • cleanup

      public void cleanup()
    • consumeIfNotConsumed

      public boolean consumeIfNotConsumed()
    • of

      public static RtTaskReq of(String assignmentId, Operation operation, Set<String> sampleSolutions, Map<String,String> properties, Path pathToTaskZip, Path pathToPersistedBehavior, Logging log, WorkerPool pool)
      Create a new request for the regression testing mechanism.
      assignmentId - identifier of the assignment, used for the report generation
      operation - to execute with the mechanism
      sampleSolutions - sampleSolutions to use as test cases, can not contain a sample solution with the name of "index" as that would conflict with the index.html
      properties - properties of this request from i.e. the
      pathToTaskZip - a path pointing to an already existing, be aware that a might be modified when recording new behavior
      pathToRegressionReport - a path pointing to a folder which will contain the generated report
      pathToPersistedBehavior - a path pointing to a folder where the recorded behavior shall be persisted in
      a new regression test request that can be used with the RegressionTestOperations API
    • copyOf

      public RtTaskReq copyOf()
      Create a copy of an request with its internal state reset.
      a copy of a consumed request that can be submitted again.
    • getRecordedSampleSizeRounds

      public int getRecordedSampleSizeRounds()
    • getTicket

      public Ticket getTicket()
    • getIdGenerator

      public IdGenerator getIdGenerator()
    • getPool

      public WorkerPool getPool()
    • getLog

      public Logging getLog()
    • getOperation

      public Operation getOperation()
    • getPathToTaskZip

      public Path getPathToTaskZip()
    • getPathToPersistedBehavior

      public Path getPathToPersistedBehavior()
    • getReadOnlySampleSolutions

      public Set<String> getReadOnlySampleSolutions()
    • getReadOnlyParameters

      public Map<String,String> getReadOnlyParameters()
    • getAssignmentId

      public String getAssignmentId()
    • getRecordedSampleSizeRoundsFor

      public Set<String> getRecordedSampleSizeRoundsFor()
    • getUnsetRequestParameters

      public Set<String> getUnsetRequestParameters()
    • getLocalLevenshteinThreshold

      public Map<String,Integer> getLocalLevenshteinThreshold()
    • getGlobalLevenshteinThreshold

      public int getGlobalLevenshteinThreshold()
    • getLevenshteinFor

      public int getLevenshteinFor(String sampleSolution)
    • getScoreMax

      public BigDecimal getScoreMax()
    • isKeepWorkspace

      public boolean isKeepWorkspace()
    • getExpectedSuccessRate

      public Map<String,Double> getExpectedSuccessRate()
    • getExpectedSuccessRateFor

      public Double getExpectedSuccessRateFor(String sampleSolution)
    • isConsumed

      public boolean isConsumed()
      A request can only be submitted once. A consumed request will trigger an exception when supplied again.
      Use copyOf() to create a copy of this request that can be submitted again.