Package de.hsh.graja.util.comment
Class AbstractElementContent
- All Implemented Interfaces:
- Direct Known Subclasses:
This is the base class of all contents that represent an element in a sequence of contents.
An element is the opposite of a sequence.
- See Also:
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class de.hsh.graja.util.comment.Content
EXCLUSIVE, renderUuid
Constructor Summary
Constructors -
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class de.hsh.graja.util.comment.Content
click, dehighlight, disableCallerStacktraceRecording, enableCallerStacktraceRecording, equals, excludeGlobally, getIncludeSpec, getRenderUuid, getStackdump, hashCode, hide, highlight, include, isCallerStacktraceRecordingEnabled, isHidden, isInlineContent, isShowing, onClick, onClick, onHide, onHide, onLoad, onLoad, onShow, onShow, registerCallable, renderHtml, renderHtml, renderHtmlImpl, renderIdAttribute, renderJavascriptOncePerClass, renderOnClickAttribute, renderPlain, renderPlain, renderPlainImpl, setGlobalIncludeInfo, setHref, setIncludeSpec, show, toString, toString
Constructor Details
- See Also:
Method Details
- Specified by:
in classContent
- Returns:
- the set of contents nested in this content. Nested contents can be list items in a List, elements in a Sequence, elements in a Grid, elements in a Paragraph, and so on. If this is a leaf content, the returned set is empty.
- See Also: