Class Verbatim

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class Verbatim extends AbstractElementContent

This content is rendered exactly like the passed String with all whitespaces assumed preformatted. If the String includes Tabs (U+0009), the tab is converted to a number of spaces and or a special symbol. In HTML we use the <pre> tag to format a verbatim comment.

See Also:
  • Field Details


      public static final char LINE_FEED
      Character used to indicate a line feed (LF) in verbatim content. Currently this is the character ¶ (U+00B6)
      See Also:

      public static final char CARRIAGE_RETURN
      Character used to indicate a line feed (LF) in verbatim content. Currently this is the character « (U+00AB)
      See Also:

      public static final int TABWIDTH
      default tab width
      See Also:

      public static final char TABULATOR_START
      Character used to indicate a tab start position in verbatim content. Currently this is the character → (U+2192), since this right arrow seems to be monospaced in typical fonts like courier new.
      See Also:

      public static final char TABULATOR_EXPANSION
      Character used to indicate the positions skipped by a tabulator in verbatim content. Currently this is the space character (U+0020).
      See Also:

      public static final char TABULATOR_STOP
      Character used to indicate a tab stop position in verbatim content. Currently this is the zero-width space (U+200B)
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • Verbatim

      public Verbatim(IncludeSpec includeSpec, String data)
      Create a content assuming a tabwidth of 4 and a tab expansion using spaces and a LF / CR expansion using LF.
      includeSpec - the includeSpec of the content
      data - raw text
    • Verbatim

      public Verbatim(IncludeSpec includeSpec, Verbatim.WhitespaceExpansion wsExpansion, String data)
      Create a comment assuming a tabwidth of 4
      includeSpec - the includeSpec of the content
      wsExpansion - the expansion strategy for white spaces in the raw text
      data - raw text
  • Method Details

    • format

      public static Verbatim format(IncludeSpec includeSpec, String format, Object... args)
      Factory method using a formatter.
      includeSpec - the includeSpec of the content
      format - format string as defined by Formatter to create a raw text
      args - arguments to the format string
      A new content assuming a tabwidth of 4 and a tab expansion using spaces and a LF / CR expansion using LF.
    • getTabWidth

      public int getTabWidth()
      the actual tabulator width defining tab stops at regular intervals
    • setTabWidth

      public void setTabWidth(int tabWidth)
      Set the tab width defining tab stops at regular intervals
      tabWidth - the actual setting
    • getWhitespaceExpansion

      public Verbatim.WhitespaceExpansion getWhitespaceExpansion()
      the white space expansion strategy for this content
    • getData

      public String getData()
      the raw text of this content
    • setData

      public void setData(String data)
      Set the raw text
      data - raw text.
    • expandTabsWithSymbols

      public static String expandTabsWithSymbols(String line)
      Produces a line where tabs (U+0009) have been replaced by indicators of tab start and end, filled between these indicators with spaces. The default tab width is used.
      line - the original string
      a string, where tabs have been expanded.
    • expandTabsWithSymbols

      public static String expandTabsWithSymbols(String line, int tabWidth)
      Produces a line where tabs (U+0009) have been replaced by indicators of tab start and end, filled between these indicators with spaces. The given tab width is used.
      line - the original string
      tabWidth - the desired tab width
      a string, where tabs have been expanded.
      IllegalArgumentException - thrown, when tabWidth < 1.
    • getDataWithExpandedWhitespaces

      public String getDataWithExpandedWhitespaces()
      Creates a string that results from expanding tabs and line breaks according to the settings of this instance. Expansion type and tab width can be specified with the constructor and with setTabWidth(int).
      the resulting string after expansion.
    • createSymbolLegendForText

      public static String createSymbolLegendForText(String input)
      Creates a legend that describes the meaning of various expansion symbols. The legend does only contain those expansion symbols that are present in the parameter input.
      input - text
      a legend string
    • isInlineContent

      public boolean isInlineContent()
      Specified by:
      isInlineContent in class Content
      See Also:
    • toString

      public String toString(String prefix)
      Description copied from class: Content
      This method is for debugging purposes.
      toString in class Content
      prefix - If the output has multiple lines, prefix specifies the indentation of the subsequent lines.
      a string representation of the content and it's internal structure.
      See Also:
      • de.hsh.graja.util.Content#toString(java.lang.String)
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      implements the contract of Object.hashCode().
      hashCode in class Content
      See Also:
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object obj)
      implements the contract of Object.equals(Object).
      equals in class Content
    • renderHtmlImpl

      public void renderHtmlImpl(StringBuilder sb, IncludeInfo includeInfo, RenderContext ctx, boolean useJavascript)
      Description copied from class: Content
      render content to HTML. This method is meant to be overriden by subclasses.
      Specified by:
      renderHtmlImpl in class Content
      sb - HTML code result
      includeInfo - controls, which content to be rendered.
      ctx - render context
      useJavascript - if true, the generated HTML code will contain Javascript
      See Also:
      • Content#renderHtmlImpl(StringBuilder, IncludeInfo, RenderContext)
    • renderPlainImpl

      public void renderPlainImpl(StringBuilder sb, IncludeInfo includeInfo, RenderContext ctx)
      Description copied from class: Content
      render content to plain text. This method is meant to be overriden by subclasses.
      Specified by:
      renderPlainImpl in class Content
      sb - plain text result
      includeInfo - controls, which content to be rendered.
      ctx - render context (unused).
      See Also: