Class TextNodeComparator

All Implemented Interfaces:
Iterable<TextNode>, IRangeComparator

public class TextNodeComparator extends Object implements IRangeComparator, Iterable<TextNode>
A comparator that generates a DOM tree of sorts from handling SAX events. Then it can be used to compute the difference between DOM trees and mark elements accordingly.
  • Constructor Details

    • TextNodeComparator

      public TextNodeComparator(DomTree tree, Locale locale)
  • Method Details

    • getBodyNode

      public BodyNode getBodyNode()
    • getRangeCount

      public int getRangeCount()
      Description copied from interface: IRangeComparator
      Returns the number of comparable entities.
      Specified by:
      getRangeCount in interface IRangeComparator
      the number of comparable entities
    • getTextNode

      public TextNode getTextNode(int i)
    • markAsNew

      public void markAsNew(int start, int end, ModificationType outputFormat)
      Marks the given range as new. In the output, the range will be formatted as specified by the anOutputFormat parameter.
      start -
      end -
      outputFormat - specifies how this range shall be formatted in the output
    • markAsNew

      public void markAsNew(int start, int end)
      Marks the given range as new. In the output, the range will be formatted as "added".
      start -
      end -
    • rangesEqual

      public boolean rangesEqual(int i1, IRangeComparator rangeComp, int i2)
      Description copied from interface: IRangeComparator
      Returns whether the comparable entity given by the first index matches an entity specified by the other IRangeComparator and index.
      Specified by:
      rangesEqual in interface IRangeComparator
      i1 - the index of the comparable entity within this IRangeComparator
      rangeComp - the IRangeComparator to compare this with
      i2 - the index of the comparable entity within the other IRangeComparator
      true if the comparable entities are equal
    • skipRangeComparison

      public boolean skipRangeComparison(int arg0, int arg1, IRangeComparator arg2)
      Description copied from interface: IRangeComparator
      Returns whether a comparison should be skipped because it would be too costly (or lengthy).
      Specified by:
      skipRangeComparison in interface IRangeComparator
      arg0 - a number on which to base the decision whether to return true or false
      arg1 - another number on which to base the decision whether to return true or false
      arg2 - the other IRangeComparator to compare with
      true to avoid a too lengthy range comparison
    • handlePossibleChangedPart

      public void handlePossibleChangedPart(int leftstart, int leftend, int rightstart, int rightend, TextNodeComparator leftComparator)
    • markAsDeleted

      public void markAsDeleted(int start, int end, TextNodeComparator oldComp, int before, int after, ModificationType outputFormat)
      Marks the given range as deleted. In the output, the range will be formatted as specified by the parameter anOutputFormat.
      start -
      end -
      oldComp -
      before -
      anOutputFormat - specifies how this range shall be formatted in the output
    • markAsDeleted

      public void markAsDeleted(int start, int end, TextNodeComparator oldComp, int before, int after)
      Marks the given range as deleted. In the output, the range will be formatted as "removed".
      start -
      end -
      oldComp -
      before -
    • expandWhiteSpace

      public void expandWhiteSpace()
    • iterator

      public Iterator<TextNode> iterator()
      Specified by:
      iterator in interface Iterable<TextNode>
    • setStartDeletedID

      public void setStartDeletedID(long aDeletedID)
      Used for combining multiple comparators in order to create a single output document. The IDs must be successive along the different comparators.
      aDeletedID -
    • setStartChangedID

      public void setStartChangedID(long aChangedID)
      Used for combining multiple comparators in order to create a single output document. The IDs must be successive along the different comparators.
      aDeletedID -
    • setStartNewID

      public void setStartNewID(long aNewID)
      Used for combining multiple comparators in order to create a single output document. The IDs must be successive along the different comparators.
      aDeletedID -
    • getChangedID

      public long getChangedID()
    • getDeletedID

      public long getDeletedID()
    • getNewID

      public long getNewID()
    • getLastModified

      public List<Modification> getLastModified()
    • setLastModified

      public void setLastModified(List<Modification> aLastModified)