Class TextOnlyComparator

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class TextOnlyComparator extends Object implements IRangeComparator
A comparator that compares only the elements of text inside a given tag.
  • Constructor Details

    • TextOnlyComparator

      public TextOnlyComparator(TagNode tree)
  • Method Details

    • getRangeCount

      public int getRangeCount()
      Description copied from interface: IRangeComparator
      Returns the number of comparable entities.
      Specified by:
      getRangeCount in interface IRangeComparator
      the number of comparable entities
    • rangesEqual

      public boolean rangesEqual(int owni, IRangeComparator otherComp, int otheri)
      Description copied from interface: IRangeComparator
      Returns whether the comparable entity given by the first index matches an entity specified by the other IRangeComparator and index.
      Specified by:
      rangesEqual in interface IRangeComparator
      owni - the index of the comparable entity within this IRangeComparator
      otherComp - the IRangeComparator to compare this with
      otheri - the index of the comparable entity within the other IRangeComparator
      true if the comparable entities are equal
    • skipRangeComparison

      public boolean skipRangeComparison(int arg0, int arg1, IRangeComparator arg2)
      Description copied from interface: IRangeComparator
      Returns whether a comparison should be skipped because it would be too costly (or lengthy).
      Specified by:
      skipRangeComparison in interface IRangeComparator
      arg0 - a number on which to base the decision whether to return true or false
      arg1 - another number on which to base the decision whether to return true or false
      arg2 - the other IRangeComparator to compare with
      true to avoid a too lengthy range comparison
    • getMatchRatio

      public double getMatchRatio(TextOnlyComparator other)