Class Node

Direct Known Subclasses:
TagNode, TextNode

public abstract class Node extends Object
Represents any element in the DOM tree of a HTML file.
  • Field Details

    • parent

      protected TagNode parent
  • Constructor Details

    • Node

      public Node(TagNode parent)
      This constructor not only sets the parameter as the parent for the created node, but also appends the created node to the collection of the parent's children.
      parent - - the parent for the new node.
  • Method Details

    • getParent

      public TagNode getParent()
      the parent itself (NOT a copy!)
    • getParentTree

      public List<TagNode> getParentTree()
      This method returns a list of the ancestors that is ordered starting from the root by the depth. Index of an element in that list corresponds its depth (if depth of the root is 0)
      ordered by depth list of the ancestors or an empty List<TagNode> if the parent is null.
    • getRoot

      public TagNode getRoot()
      "equals" method should work differently for the case where the compared nodes are from the same tree, and in that case return true only if it's the same object This method returns the root of the tree (which should be common ancestor for every node in the tree). If the roots are the same object, then the nodes are in the same tree.
      the "top" ancestor if this node has a parent,
      the node itself if there is no parent, and this is a TagNode
      null if there is no parents and this node isn't a TagNode
    • getMinimalDeletedSet

      public abstract List<Node> getMinimalDeletedSet(long id)
    • detectIgnorableWhiteSpace

      public void detectIgnorableWhiteSpace()
    • getLastCommonParent

      public LastCommonParentResult getLastCommonParent(Node other)
      Descent the ancestors list for both nodes stopping either at the first no-match case or when either of the lists is exhausted.
      other - - the node to check for common parent
      result that contains last common parent, depth, index in the list of children of the common parent of an ancestor(or self) of this node that is immediate child of the common parent.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the parameter is null
    • setParent

      public void setParent(TagNode parent)
      changes the parent field of this node. Does NOT append/remove itself from the previous or the new parent children collection.
      parent - - new parent to assign
    • setRoot

      protected void setRoot(TagNode root)
    • copyTree

      public abstract Node copyTree()
    • inPre

      public boolean inPre()
      true only if one of the ancestors is <pre> tag. false otherwise (including case where this node is <pre> tag)
    • isWhiteBefore

      public boolean isWhiteBefore()
    • setWhiteBefore

      public void setWhiteBefore(boolean whiteBefore)
    • isWhiteAfter

      public boolean isWhiteAfter()
    • setWhiteAfter

      public void setWhiteAfter(boolean whiteAfter)
    • getLeftMostChild

      public abstract Node getLeftMostChild()
    • getRightMostChild

      public abstract Node getRightMostChild()