All Classes and Interfaces

This is the base class of all contents that represent an element in a sequence of contents.
A request node in the Graja core.
This is the abstract interface for marshallers.
A result node in the Graja core.
This class stores several contents in insertion order.
A comparator used when calculating the difference in ancestry of two Nodes.
This content is rendered as a <a>.
A pair of Level and Audience.
An applicability dependency specifies one or several artifacts that a comment depends on.
An object D of this class defines a dependency on a given comment C.
Abstract base class of union or intersection set of ApplicabilityDependency objects.
This class stores a list of ApplicabilityDependency objects.
An object D of this class defines a dependency on a given applicability A.
This class stores a list of ApplicabilityDependency objects.
This class can filter artifacts with an applicability to produce more or less detailed reports of the grading result.
This class represents a chain of filters for artifacts with an applicability.
An instance of this class specifies a comment's own Applicability together with the applicabilities of depended on comments (ApplicabilityDependency).
An applicable object is an artifact that can be filtered by applicability.
Takes a String and generates tokens/atoms that can be used by LCS.
This class is the student library equivalent of JUnit's Assert class.
This class represents the source code position of a node in an abstract syntax tree (AST).
The type of node in an abstract syntax tree.
A unit of comparison between html files.
Java-Klasse für attached-txt-file-type complex type.
Map is used to store DOM tag attribute names and values.
This enum specifies the audience of a comment.
This class can filter artifacts with an applicablity depending on the audience.
This classprovides commands on the command line for various conversion tasks.
Encodes and decodes to and from Base64 notation.
A Base64.InputStream will read data from another, given in the constructor, and encode/decode to/from Base64 notation on the fly.
A Base64.OutputStream will write data to another, given in the constructor, and encode/decode to/from Base64 notation on the fly.
Adapter to generate values conforming .
Represents the root of a HTML document.
Use @code{java -cp $lt;classpath> de.hsh.graja.Cli --command build_proforma} instead
This class provides methods, that performs the conversion of a task.xml with macros to a ProFormA task zip file.
Implementation which is able to decide to use a CDATA section for a string.
An instance of this class attaches a tooltip to a Cell item.
Dynamic alternative to the default immutable checkstyle configuration, used to add single checks to the treeWalker "super"-check.
Used to keep track of multiple errors from the same check, e.g. a leftCurly check error in line 3 and 15.
Inner nodes of the grading scheme hierarchy carry pointers to children.
Contains various strings that will be used by the CLI library in outputs.
This class helps to provide a view of the given sourceFiles as an Inspector, which can be rendered.
A "combine-ref" node points to a "combine" node in the grading scheme hierarchy.
An instance of this class can be used to fail a JUnit test together with some formatted comments instead of a simple plain text message.
A sequence of comments and a default AST position recorded by a JUnit test method.
Comments can be rendered as HTML or plain text.
instances of this interfaces can be used by the JUnit test class in order to provide helper classes the ability to leave comments without passing a full GraderContext object.
This class can generate html or plain text from Content objects.
This class can be used by a JUnit based assignment grader to compile some program generated source code and load the byte code into the running JVM.
Configuration file with default values.
Something that can be rendered to a presentable medium.
This interface can be used to collect contents.
A ConverterService allows to convert internally used Graja objects into the domain model of the regression testing system.
Use @code{java -cp $lt;classpath> de.hsh.graja.Cli --command convert_result_to_html} instead
Use @code{java -cp $lt;classpath> de.hsh.graja.Cli --command create_request} instead
The class Core takes an Assignment as its input, controls the execution of ModuleRunners, gathers ModuleRunnerResults, evaluates module results using ModuleEvaluators, and generates an AssignmentResult with a well structured grading scheme.
A composite variant specification is a tuple of variation specifications.
A request include several optional parameters such as maximum resources used when grading, debugging options, logging options, and so on.
A default value od type T.
A TextAtom with an identifier from a limited set of delimiter strings.
This class helps when including generated passages (as the table of model solutions, the grading scheme, the variability table) into description and internal description.
Class representing one diff operation.
The data structure representing a diff is a Linked list of Diff objects: {Diff(Operation.DELETE, "Hello"), Diff(Operation.INSERT, "Goodbye"), Diff(Operation.EQUAL, " world.")} which means: delete "Hello", add "Goodbye" and keep " world."
This class represents a synopsis of expected and observed outcomes of a student program.
A diff synopsis can be either detailed with every line of expected and observed outcome compared, or it can be a simple comparison of the number of lines.
Interface for classes that are interested in the tree-like result structure as produced by DaisyDiff.
This class performs a diff between two lists or arrays and returns a list of Diff objects that describe the differences.
This class identifies differences between a sample solution and a student solution class.
This error is thrown, when DiffHelper.DiffProcessor detects a difference.
This class realizes a fluent interface when instrumenting the Diff with information used when diffing.
A linked list of Diff objects that provides additional methods for operating on the list or reconstituting the original lists.
Interface for classes that need to process the result from the tree-like represenation of the output.
This class generates plain text or HTML for a diff synopsis (a DiffComment).
This class stores a list of all classes that are needed as class context when marshalling and unmarshalling objects using JAXB.
This class stores a list of all classes that are needed as class context when marshalling and unmarshalling a task.xml.
Java-Klasse für embedded-bin-file-type complex type.
Java-Klasse für embedded-txt-file-type complex type.
This Encrypter encrypts files using the OGrE-Encryption described in the Bachelor thesis "Offline-Adpation eines formativen Java-Assessments unter Beruecksichtigung ausgewaehlter Sicherheitsaspekte.
Internal use only.
Java class for externalresourcerefs-type complex type.
Java-Klasse für externalresourceref complex type.
Java class for external-resources-type complex type.
Java class for external-submission-type complex type.
Java class for external-task-type complex type.
Java-Klasse für feedback-level-type.
Java-Klasse für feedback-list-type complex type.
Java-Klasse für feedback-type complex type.
Java-Klasse für anonymous complex type.
Java class for filerefs-type complex type.
Java class for fileref-type complex type.
Java class for file-restr-type complex type.
This class describes a font weight or a font style in an InlineContent or a ParagraphContent.
A single font decoration element, that can be used to describe a font.
A bean with request data for Graja.
A bean with request data for Graja.
Grading aspects get a grade by a module runner.
This is the context of your JUnit grader for a single assignment.
Java-Klasse für grader-engine-type complex type.
Third level of grading scheme structure.
Inner node of grading scheme.
Root element type of a ProFormA grading-hints element.
Inner node of the grading scheme hierarchy.
A bean with request data for Graja.
This class creates a grid of the following form
Diese Klasse kann ein GradingHints-Objekt auf einen neue gewuenschte maximale Punktzahl setzen.
Graja - Grader for java programs.
A bean with result data for Graja.
A bean with result data from Graja.
A grid represents a whole table that can have single and multi cells.
A cell of a grid.
A helper interface to execute a method for each position of the cell.
This enum specifies the alignment of a cell in a Grid.
This class stores a GridCell's width and height.
A multi cell of a grid may span several rows or columns.
This class stores a GridCell's padding.
This class stores a GridCell's position as row and column (0-based).
Show mode defines, when to show a cell.
A single cell of a grid spans a single row and column.
For a complete example see Grid.
This enum specifies the shrinking of a cell in a Grid.
This class provides a command on the command line for the JavaFX GUI client.
Takes two or three TextNodeComparator instances, computes the difference between them, marks the changes, and outputs a merged tree to a HtmlSaxDiffOutput instance.
This comment is a HTML preformatted content.
This class holds the removal or addition of HTML tags around text.
Either an HTML was introduced in the new output, or it was deleted (but the text in-between the opening and closing tag is the same).
Takes a branch root and creates an HTML file for it.
Extens the IRangeComparator interface with functionality to recreate parts of the original document.
This content is rendered as an image.
Represents an image in HTML.
Java class for included-task-file-type complex type.
Characters that represent line breaks and indentation.
A filter that indents an XML stream.
Example usage:
This content is rendered as a "span" inside a paragraph.
An Inspector represents the submitted source code, file by file.
This class represents a source code file inside an Inspector
A line of an inspector represents a line of the submitted source code and helds all graja result comments that belongs to this line.
A LineInfo of an Inspector contains comments of one result feedback to render the graja feedback along the belonging lines
This class provides a InspectorRenderHelper.html(de.hsh.graja.util.comment.inspector.Inspector, java.lang.StringBuilder, de.hsh.graja.util.comment.IncludeInfo, de.hsh.graja.util.comment.RenderContext, boolean) method for the Inspector and the InspectorLine to render it's content in a user-friendly html visualization.
This class defines configuration options that Graja depends on.
This is the installer for Graja.
For breaking an object to compare into a sequence of comparable entities.
Utility class for JavaScript compatible UTF-8 encoding and decoding.
This class can write or read an instance of a JAXB annotated class.
This is a JSON object marshaller.
This class serves requests from assignment grader instances, that are create by JUnit.
An instance of this class attaches a tooltip to a Labeled item.
When detecting the last common parent of two nodes, all results are stored as a LastCommonParentResult.
This class can filter artifacts depending on the level.
Wrapper arround the Apache Levenshtein Distance
PrintWriter, that always uses the character '\n' for println statements.
A content list is a numbered or unnumbered list of items.
This enum specifies, whether the list is rendered with or without leading numbers.
Java-Klasse für lms-type complex type.
This class is capable of logging formatted messages to memory buffer or standard error stream
A completely experimental teacher client for generating "encrypted" tasks used by the experimental offline client.
This class masks Strings with characters that are illegal in XML 1.0.
A MatArtifact is part of a ProFormA-Task which is subject to materialization.
A MatMethod applies some operation to data supplied by a MatArtifact; the result of the operation is passed to the MatArtifact's consumption feature.
This materialization method performs an arithmetic operation on the value supplied by a MatArtifact.
This materialization method supplies a variation point value that is written to the consumer of a MatArtifact.
Java-Klasse für merged-test-feedback-type complex type.
data of a single model solution contained in a ProFormA task zip.
Java class for model-solutions-type complex type.
Java class for model-solution-type complex type.
A Module is one step of the grading process.
Empty supertype for specific module configurations.
A ModuleEvaluator can create GradingAspectResults from ModuleRunnerResults.
This class is uses as a data model for the ( @see de.hsh.graja.common.JvmStarter ) to add modules to the --add-opens and --add-exports Lists.
A ModuleRunner executes a module such as JUnit or PMD.
This class holds various data that might be needed by a module runner.
A module runner result is the abstract base class of any module runner result.
Parses HTML files using the Neko HTML parser.
This content is rendered as a <br/> inside a paragraph.
Represents any element in the DOM tree of a HTML file.
A string normalizer for string comparisons that should ignore differences on leading line breaks.
A string normalizer for string comparisons that should ignore differences that result from a single colon at the end of a line.
A string normalizer for string comparisons that should ignore differences that result from different or additional white spaces at the end of a line.
A string normalizer for string comparisons that should ignore differences that result from different but uniform indentation level.
Specifies an operand of a composite nullify condition.
An operand of a comparison expression pointing to a "combine" node.
Specifies an operand of a comparison nullify condition.
Specifies a simple comparison condition when the sub result of a pointed-at node should get nullified.
Specifies a composite condition when the sub result of a pointed-at node should get nullified.
A bean with request data for Graja.
A numerical constant serving as an operand of the comparison expression.
An operand of a comparison expression pointing to a "test".
An object pool maps classes and names to instances.
This class serves as a connection between the Offline-Graja-Encryption and other projects in need of using it.
This content is rendered as a paragraph.
Class representing one patch Diff.Operation.
A linked list of Patch objects, providing additional utility methods as well.
An AssertionError that additionally holds a ASTPos
An enhanced version of PrintStream that provides for a history recall function and some other features making I/O testing a bit easier to perform.
Java-Klasse für proglang complex type.
This is a dummy implementation that throws an UnsupportedOperationException.
A random factory as described in 5.3.5 of the thesis.
Description of a change between two or three ranges of comparable entities.
A RangeDifferencer finds the differences between two or three IRangeComparators.
This class provides static helper methods to use reflection to check for and invoke methods on objects.
A custom error class that represents any error conditions that arise in the reflection-based methods provided by this class.
An enumeration that represents a set of constants for specifying constraints on the visibility of a declaration.
The domain model for regression testing recorded behavior (rtrb).
Everything referenced in here that is important regarding the actual behavior must recursively implement equals() and hashcode() for the multi sample mode to work!
A render context holds data about subclasses of Content that have been rendered.
Used to instruct ReportGenerator.generateReport(Logging, List, Path) to render a report.
List of all request property parameters
A bean with request data for Graja.
Java-Klasse für response-files-type complex type.
Java-Klasse für response-file-type complex type.
Java class for response-meta-data-type complex type.
Java class for response-type complex type.
Java-Klasse für result-spec-type complex type.
Java-Klasse für result-type complex type.
A Ribbon connects a data object of type T with a supplier and a consumer.
Public facing regression testing API for the gradle build script.
Can also be used from other systems to interact with the Graja regression testing mechanism (Old name: RegressionTestingOperations)
Used to send metadata of multiple tasks for a multi-regression test / recording.
Old name: RegressionTestingMechanism
Old name: RegressionTestingReply
A request that is used to trigger a regression test.
A request that is used to trigger the test for a single sample solution.
A request that is used to trigger a single recording session of a Graja run.
This class is meant to store the GradingAspectGroupResult with additional result information, that does not associate with the grading aspects
A class that can record SAX events and replay them later.
SaxBit is a representation of the SAX event.
Java-Klasse für separate-test-feedback-type complex type.
This is an artificial text node whose sole purpose is to separate text nodes, so that they cannot be treated as a continuous text flow by the RangeDifferencer.
A sequence is a list of items.
A SourceCodePosition contains the position and character length of a code snippet of a single line
This classprovides commands on the command line for various conversion tasks.
The StaticMethodChecker invokes a static method of a student submitted class and compares the return value with the return value of a sample implementation of that method.
Abstract class for writing filtered XML streams.
This class represents a programmable string "normalizing" engine that can be used to convert strings into a canonical form, say, before comparing strings for equality or something.
This interface defines what it means to be a normalizer rule: an object having an appropriate StringNormalizer.NormalizerRule.normalize(String) method.
A highly reusable concrete implementation of StringNormalizer.NormalizerRule that applies a series of regular expression substitutions.
This enumeration defines the set of predefined transformation rules.
Collection of java source files.
Java-Klasse für submission-files-type complex type.
Java-Klasse für submission-file-type complex type.
Java class for submission-restrictions-type complex type.
Java class for submission-type complex type.
Java-Klasse für subtest-response-type complex type.
Java-Klasse für subtests-response-type complex type.
This class provides supporting methods when writing JUnit tests for student submitted code.
Generates SVG for a given TreeLayout of TextInBox nodes.
A set of methods to generate SVG content.
A utility class that provides functions for replacing System I/O streams with helpful alternative implementations to make some testing jobs easier.
This class defines constants with all system properties that are specific to Graja.
An atom that represents a closing or opening tag.
Takes 2 AtomSplitters and computes the difference between them.
Node that can contain other nodes.
Outputs the diff result as HTML elements to a SAX ContentHandler.
Java-Klasse für anonymous complex type.
Java-Klasse für task-file-type complex type.
This class stores any useful information that was extracted from a proforma file.
Java-Klasse für test-configuration complex type.
Java-Klasse für test-meta-data complex type.
Example usage:
A "test-ref" node points to a test in a ProFormA task.
Java-Klasse für test-response-type complex type.
Java-Klasse für test-result-type complex type.
Java-Klasse für tests-response-type complex type.
An instance of this class validates a ProFormA test element.
An Atom that represents a piece of ordinary text.
Interface for classes that are interested in the tag-like result structure as produced by DaisyDiff.
Interface for classes that need to process the result from the tag-like represenation of the output.
Represents a piece of text in the HTML file.
A comparator that generates a DOM tree of sorts from handling SAX events.
A comparator that compares only the elements of text inside a given tag.
Service methods that process transfer objects to objects needed at the interface between the packages de.hsh.graja.service and de.hsh.graja.transfer.
This class gets one or several assignments and a student submission as input and produces a request file, that subsequently can be graded by Graja.
This class provides commands on the command line for conversion tasks.
This class can convert an IdentifiableResourceTO object to a ResourceLocalFileTO object by searching the id in the local resource database and linking to the corresponding local file.
This class generates a HTML fragment from DocumentTO objects.
Some tweaks in order to reduce the output volume when designing small tasks for publication purposes.
Unit test methods are stored by JUnit in a hash set, so the order of test method execution might vary between regression runs.
A V object is a variant, i. e. a possible value taken by a variation point.
This class provides commands on the command line for variability functions.
All possible types of requests, i. e.
This content is rendered exactly like the passed String with all whitespaces assumed preformatted.
An instance of this enum defines how whitespaces are expanded in a Verbatim.
A variant of an interval scaled type.
This class holds either a single specification value of an interval scaled type, or it holds a range specification of an interval scaled type.
A variant of a nominal scaled type.
A set of values of a variation point.
This tree stores VOrRange instances such that duplicates are eliminated as good as possible.
Variation point.
This class realizes a slider.
Represents a "table", i. e. a list of records, specified by a VarSpecNodeTable object and expanded to a CVList object.
This class starts Graja in a separate JVM.
This is a XML object marshaller.
Graja reads and writes XML documents that must match a number of XML schemes.
Graja reads and writes XML documents that must match a number of XML schemes.
Graja reads and writes XML documents that must match a number of XML schemes.
An in-memory representation of a zip file's entry.